Gospel Leaders Initiative
Catalyzing Gospel-Centered Collaboration and Equipping for the spread of the Gospel among all peoples.
Our Current Offerings
Church Leaders' Lunch and Learn
Monthly Gathering of Pastors and Church Leaders to fellowship and learn together.
Great Commission Cohort
The Great Commission Cohort equips participants, through various mentorships and training environments, with the knowledge, heart and practical skills needed for effective ministry and mission. The core learning components will consist of Biblical Theology (The Story of God), systematic theology, and the Missionary Task.
Faith and Work Retreat
Annual Retreat in October designed to provide a place for Christian professionals and entrepreneurs to gather for Bible study, fellowship and prayer.
We long to see a gospel movement across the Gulf where all peoples have access to hear the gospel and be discipled in a church, so we are investing in gospel-centered leaders who are making disciples and planting churches.
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